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Run, River, Run Page 6

  “I don’t need it. I always order the same thing,” she smiled, pushing the menu back across the table.

  “I got the impression you didn’t go out much.”

  “I don’t, but I force myself not to be a total recluse. And this place treats you like family.”

  “And knowing you, he knew you wanted this seat.” Kevin studied the dining room. There was no other seating behind them, only the restrooms and the kitchen which would have a rear exit. She’d beat him to the seat that faced the interior of the restaurant and the plate glass windows which overlooked the parking lot. The perfect perch to keep your eye on things. There was that cautious streak again. Unfortunately, it meant having his back to the entrance which made Kevin feel exposed.

  “Move over,” he said, getting up from his seat and slipping in next to her. She didn’t have any choice, but to move or make a scene. She didn’t appear the type.

  A cheerful young lady appeared with a coffee pot and filled the cups on the table. Using an electronic tablet, she entered River’s order without asking. Kevin glanced at the menu then and ordered a protein laden breakfast.

  “Did you get any sleep last night?”

  “As much as you did, I suspect.”

  “Which would be none. Is that normal for you?”

  “Not uncommon. I’d been doing better lately,” she said, taking a sip of her coffee. Black he’d noted.

  “But you fell back into your pattern again last night?”

  “Stressful days bring stressful dreams. I prefer being tired to dreaming.” She moved her cup aside as her breakfast order was delivered. “I’ll catch up on my rest, eventually. I usually do.”

  “Can’t you take something to help you sleep when you need it?” Kevin dug his fork into a pile of scrambled eggs which had been placed in front of him.

  “Are you playing doctor, again?” She didn’t wait for an answer. “I have something, but it doesn’t prevent the dreams. Being flat-out tired does the trick most of the time.”

  “Now it’s my turn for a question,” River said, slicing into her coconut encrusted French toast. “Do you plan on playing bodyguard indefinitely?”

  “Until we know the bastard isn’t going to bother you again.”


  “My friends and I. Steve Brody owns an investigation business here on the island. Troy McKenzie, another retired member of the team, works with him. Colton James, and his partner, Gib, are photographers, but they come in pretty handy. Colt is our former commander. And, of course, there’s Rick.”

  “Jeezus,” River snapped, then quickly lowered her voice. “I don’t need or want hordes of people here. I can take care of myself.”

  “Is that what you were doing yesterday?”

  River’s eyes narrowed as she scrunched further into the corner. There weren’t too many people who questioned her decisions, he’d bet.

  “We have a good track record at solving mysteries. Give us a chance. Let me invite them over tonight and you can make a judgement on your own. Plus, you’ll get dinner out of it.”

  River rubbed her temples. “If I say yes, can we change the subject?”

  Kevin had won the minor skirmish. It was enough for now.

  River peppered him with questions regarding his service—how bases and camps were set up, countries he’d been deployed to, but she carefully avoided subjects the horrors he may have experienced or what he did as a medic. Whether it was due to her own experience with violence or she was being polite, he was relieved he didn’t have to brush back the questions.

  “What are your plans for the rest of the day?” he asked, as they cleaned their plates. He was surprised when River had finished the large order of French toast then started in on the side of sausage links which had come with her meal. Where the hell did she put it all? She probably didn’t eat the rest of the day.

  “I want to stop by some of the shops on the island that specialize in seashells,” she said. “I don’t know if I’m going to have time to gather all I need for my next project. They may have what I’m looking for, or they may be able to get their hands on them.” Her shoulders sagged at the admission.

  “You wanted to find them yourself, didn’t you?”

  “Shit happens,” she answered.

  “How many more do you need?”

  “A lot. It would take time. I should be able to find what I need if I didn’t have to spend half my time looking over my shoulder.”

  “Which reminds me,” Kevin said, putting his hand over his cup when the server stopped by to top it off. “I have the shells you found yesterday. They’re in my truck.”

  “Thanks,” she said. “I pissed you off when I left, didn’t I?” There was that spark in her eyes again.

  “I was already pissed for not getting to you faster. Unfortunately, the wind wasn’t blowing in my favor when I tried to get off the water.”

  “You did more than most would,” she said. “I’m unconvinced my attacker here has anything to do with the events in North Carolina. With the exception of the time I surprised him, the bastard at the cabin never got close to me. Why would he suddenly change his style now?”

  “Don’t know. We need additional information,” Kevin said, reaching for his wallet when the server laid the check on the table.

  River pulled cash out of her purse. “Dutch treat,” she said, grabbing the check and marching toward the register. Message sent and received. She’d accepted his presence, but not necessarily, his company.


  River struggled, but she managed to work while Kevin rattled off the names and backgrounds to go with each person who would be coming to her place tonight. He was proud of his friends—it resonated in his tone. She, however, was scared shitless at the thought of meeting them. Since college, she’d virtually cloistered herself in the mountains. She didn’t run away like a madman when she found herself surrounded by people, but she extricated herself from the situation as quickly as possible. The clinic and pharmacy had pushed her limits yesterday. Tonight, she’d be interacting with a room full of people. Her stomach was churning as she second guessed her agreement.

  As the time grew near, she put her work aside and excused herself. Closing the bathroom door with the heel of her foot, she pulled her tank top over her head. Her home in North Carolina might be in the woods, but it didn’t mean she was raised by wolves. Cleaning up before guests arrived was the proper thing to do. Sitting so close to Kevin while she worked, had her perspiring. The room had warmed with his presence. Why the hell did she have to find herself attracted to someone now? He was here because he felt responsible and believed she needed protection. There were a couple of times she felt his gaze held something other than simple concern, but it was probably her imagination. She didn’t have much experience with that sort of thing.

  River reached behind the shower curtain and turned the water on to warm while she finished undressing. She flicked on the exhaust fan as steam slowly began to fill the mirror. The woman staring back at her wasn’t unattractive. She could be if she put some effort into it, but why bother? The men she dated in college freaked out in one of two ways when they discovered her history. They either wanted all the gory details or they trot her out like some sideshow freak. She’d lost interest in dating.

  As she tossed her clothes into the hamper next to the tub, the semi-opaque shower curtain appeared to move. For a split-second River assumed she’d brushed against it. That assumption quickly disappeared when the head of a snake rose over the rim of the tub—its tongue flicking in her direction.

  She must have screamed when she leaped off the floor and onto the toilet seat because Kevin was beating on the bathroom door calling her name. River gulped in a breath, watching the snake slither over the edge of the tub and onto the tile floor.

  “River,” Kevin shouted again, thumping against the wooden door. “Answer me!”

  The distance to the bathroom door seemed miles away instead of a few feet. Her slithering visitor w
as now winding his way around the base of the toilet. She was stuck in a scene out of a modern-day Harry Potter movie.


  She focused on the door and crawled onto the vanity. It wasn’t graceful, but River reached the door, knocking bottles to the floor as she did. River didn’t recognize the variety of snake, so she wasn’t going to get within striking distance.

  Kevin’s fist was raised as she cracked the door open. “What the hell is going on?”

  “There’s a snake in here. A big one,” she said, catching her breath. “I don’t want to let it out.” She sure as hell didn’t want it slithering through the unit and finding a place to hide.

  “Well, you’re coming out.” In one quick motion, his arm shot through the opening, grabbed her around the waist, and pulled her through. Kevin slammed the door shut behind them.

  “Can it fit under the door?”

  “Unless it can morph into something much smaller, it’s not squeezing under there,” she said, pointing to the thin strip of light on the floor emanating from the bathroom. Now that she was safe, River was shivering. Kevin had yet to let her go. She wanted to lean into him and absorb some of his heat.

  “Did it bite you?”

  “I’m fine, just give me a second,” she said, abandoning her battle and closing the gap between them. She laid her head against his chest, savoring the warmth. When Kevin removed his arm from her waist, she wanted to yank it back, but instead of letting her go, he pressed her against him and began rubbing his hands up and down her back. Her muscles melted at his touch. Her eyes grew wide when his ridge rose against her abdomen.

  Oh. My. God. She was naked. After spotting the snake, her state of dress—or undress—had completely left her mind. She was no longer freezing. Instead, her skin was ablaze.

  She pushed back from the rod pressing against her stomach. Kevin’s hands dropped to his side, allowing her to step back. “Thank you.”

  “No problem,” he said, his eyes focused on some spot over her head. “I’ll find something to corral the creature.”

  River leaned against the bedroom door. She allowed herself a moment to catch her breath before straightening her shoulders. She refused to be embarrassed. Kevin had certainly seen his share of naked women. Hell, he probably had his pick. Besides, he was a medic. Think of him as a doctor—a doctor with a hard on. Shit. She had more immediate problems than Kevin right now.

  Despite the fact she had wanted a shower, the idea of taking one now gave her chills. As she dug through her dresser for clothing, she made a plan to check the place thoroughly tonight. She’d seen her share of snakes in the mountains, but they’d all been outside—with the exception of the one she’d received as a gift, and it was dead.

  Could any of this be connected? Her nemesis in North Carolina had never been this bold. Whoever it was had been covert in their harassment. Was this someone new? She almost hoped it was the same person. She didn’t know if she had it in her to deal with a second psycho.

  After slipping into a pair of jeans and a blouse, she grabbed a flashlight from the drawer of the nightstand and carefully inspected the shadowed floor of her closet for any unwanted visitors. She kicked a tote bag onto its side. A sigh of relief escaped when nothing hissed or slithered from it.

  River completed her inspection of the room by shining the flashlight under her bed then pulling back the covers. Regardless of how much she searched, she doubted she’d get much sleep tonight. The image of the snake slithering out of the tub was going to be hard to forget.

  Kevin was about to knock on her door, when River exited the bedroom. He’d been trying to get the picture of her stripped bare and snuggled up against him out of his mind. She needed his protection—maybe a shoulder to lean on—but she didn’t need some horny guy taking advantage of her.

  “You okay?” he asked. She looked a little flushed.

  “I’m fine. Thank you.” Those beautiful eyes rose to meet his.

  “You’re sure you weren’t bitten? Did I hurt you when I pulled you out of there?” He seriously considered offering to examine her but stopped short. Probably not the best idea under the circumstances.

  “I’m good. Seriously. I managed to dodge the thing.” No longer in a panic, she scanned the room. “Where is it?”

  “On your balcony. It’s secured,” he added. “I borrowed the trash bin from under your sink and duck taped a trash bag over it. He’s not going anywhere.”

  River headed toward the kitchen. “I don’t want the trash can back. Okay? It can go with the reptile. Do you know what type of snake it is?”

  “No,” Kevin answered, following her. “Which is why I want to keep it contained. If it’s poisonous, I didn’t want to set it free. Rick will know what to do with it either way.”

  “I just want it gone.”

  “I can understand. It scared you.”

  “Ya think?” she said, a small smile edging up the corners of her mouth. “He wasn’t my idea of a shower companion.”

  Her immediate blush was endearing. Adrenaline had blinded him for a second when he pulled her from the bathroom, but as soon as the door latched closed, he was fully aware what he’d had in his arms. A beautiful, sexy woman, totally devoid of clothing. His dick had saluted. Damn thing had a mind of its own.

  “I apologize for my inappropriate reaction.”

  Her eyebrows rose as she cocked her head. “I’m not sure how to take that. I don’t get out much, but I’d think a naked woman pressed up against you, regardless of her looks, would gain the same reaction from any man.”

  “You’re beautiful.” He was annoyed she’d insinuated otherwise. “My actions were inappropriate. You’re under my care.”

  “Wait just a goddamn second,” she snapped. “I’m not under your care or anyone else’s. You offered to help, and I agreed, but you’re not my guardian. Do you understand?”

  Those damn blue eyes—stunning and spitting fire—were locked on his. “Got it,” Kevin concurred, taking her chin in his hand. “You’re not under my care.”

  Her eyes flashed like diamonds as she moved closer. When she rose to the balls of her feet he didn’t hesitate, lowering his lips to meet hers. His hand fisted in her hair, holding her head in place while he consumed what she offered. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she matched his enthusiasm. Christ! He pulled her so close, air couldn’t pass between them if they’d been in the middle of a hurricane. This time there would be no apology for his body’s reaction. While their tongues tangoed, she pressed into his rock-hard erection. His hand glided down her arm until it reached her breasts. God. Why hadn’t he done this when he had her naked in his arms? He wanted to feel the softness of her skin. Her nipples as they tightened into nubs.

  Abruptly, River pushed him away. “What the hell is wrong with me? I’m…”

  “Don’t you dare apologize,” Kevin growled, blocking her path to the door. She shoved him, but he didn’t move. He needed to make one thing clear. “It was mutual. We enjoyed it…and we’re not done.”

  Those silver blue eyes shot lasers at him. “We never started.”

  “You’re kidding, right?” This time when she pressed, he stepped aside, smiling as she stormed into her studio and slammed the door.


  Kevin was still grinning when he called Steve. “If anybody has plans tonight, tell them to cancel.”

  “We wondered which one of us would receive your Bat Signal. We’re all open.”

  “Is it going to be a problem for you and Josie? We may need her contacts since Don’s off communing with nature.” If he’d been available, they’d have relied on Don Volpe, another teammate, for his unique computer hacking skills, but even a geek needed a break from the keyboard and the battlefield. Don was spending his leave backpacking through the Pacific Northwest. Josie had numerous contacts in the journalistic world who could prove helpful but having a baby to factor in was something new for this group to consider.

  “We’ve already arranged for
someone to babysit Cece,” Steve said.


  Steve’s laughter reverberated through the phone. “No, not Gib. He’s going to have to grovel a bit more before he has the honor. Besides, this is an all-hands-on deck situation, isn’t it?”

  “It is.” But not an all-hands-on River situation and given the chance, Gib would have his hands on her. Everyone liked Gib—especially women. And Gib liked women. Kevin didn’t have a problem with Colt’s partner. Hell, Gib was one of the best men he knew. Kevin’s eyes swept down the hall to the closed door of River’s workroom. He was being an adolescent ass. She was in trouble and Kevin’s big worry was whether Gib would score?

  “We had an unexpected visitor.” Kevin brought his thoughts back to his reason for the call.


  “Not a ‘who’. A snake. It somehow got into River’s condo. I don’t think they open doors, and this place was locked up tight. I’ll do some checking, but I don’t see how it got in here on its own. It’s a little too similar to the type of harassment she endured in North Carolina for my liking.”

  “Where is it now?”

  “I’ve got it trapped in a trash can on the balcony,” he said, looking at the gray, plastic container on the other side of the slider. “I was hoping one of you would recognize the species and if it is local to the area.”

  “We’ll check it out. We’ve made a little headway on River’s issue, but we’ve got more questions for her.”

  “I’ll call Mama’s,” Kevin said. The Italian restaurant was a favorite among the group. It was always a safe bet when ordering in. “Can one of you pick up the food?”

  “No problem. Anything else you need?”

  “Have Gib bring my stuff, including my medical kit.” Her injuries weren’t serious, but he’d feel better having his first-aid equipment nearby.